Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer is definitely here, the average temp over the last couple of weeks has been 30 degrees and rising. This coming week we are forecast to hit 39 degrees. So not a whole lot of walking fun for those of you fresh out of the wind and rain in the UK. A dip in the pool and the occasional trip to the fridge is about the most strenuous thing most people who are not (and are!) used to in these temperatures can manage. This means that we tend to take July and August off where the walking is concerned. We have however been looking at some new routes and visiting some local restaurants all in the name of research you understand.
We were lucky enough to see the wild boar at one restaurant we visited in the Sierra Espuna, although a little stage managed, the owners put out food for the boars to encourage them down to the area next to the terrace, they certainly were a spectacle. A group of eight or more, babies included (ahhhhh), spent at least fifteen minutes feasting on grain put out for them.
We also visited the town of Aledo, this walled medieval town has been declared a site of historical- artistic interest. Located on a hill, it features a moorish tower known as La Calahorra, which dates back to the 11th century. The tower has recently been restored and turned into a visitor center. Visitors can view the exhibits and climb the stairs to the top of the tower, here you'll find stunning views of the surrounding countryside and the reason the site was chosen for a fortress.....fabulous! and all free to see. Other attractions include La Picota, a medieval construction where executions took place and the Baroque stlye church of Santa Maria dating from the 18th century.
Next week we should be walking, taking in cabo Tinoso, which is the home of some very impressive gun emplacements, used in the Spanish Civil war and the set of the guns of navarrone!!!
Son until next time, Hasta Luego!