Friday, May 14, 2010

Vuelta de Sierra Espuna 2010

I just don’t know where the days/ weeks/ months go. It’s been ages since my last post, yet it seems like just the other day.
Since the last time I wrote Paul has indeed completed the 2nd years event “Vuelta de Espuña“.  This event is organised by the Totana walking club. The inaugural event was last year, but after it’s two successful outings, looks set to become a fixture in their walking calendar.
This years route was some 60 km (approx. 36 miles) and had a cumulative drop of some 4400 vertical meters.122 participants started the walk. Not only was this a demanding distance over some hilly terrain, the participants were also required to maintain a minimum rate required by the organizers of 4.5 km / hr.
It all started when the alarm went off at 4am (I thought the Spanish only did that hour when partying into the early hours) Paul & I (in sympathy) got up and Paul made his way to the pick up point for 5am. From here a coach took the participants to the start point at Casas Nuevas .
At about 7am, they were off. It was billed as a walk not a race, the only rule being you couldn’t overtake the lead guide. However there were 5 of them undertaking a stage each and most of the participants were in light weight gear with only bum bags (so I think they were seeing who could go fastest!)
Before long it became clear that this was going to be tough…..Paul had met up with the only other English participants somewhere near the start and they stayed together until the finish line laughing, joking and generally jollying each other along. The weather, which had looked like being hot, although some cloud was forecast, turned out to be a real mixed bag with mist, sun, with highs in the mid 20’s and a hail & thunderstorm in the afternoon. So something for everyone!
The first participant crossed the finishing line at the Sanataurio Santa Eulalia in 8 hrs and 50 minutes! At very healthy 7km an hour. The first woman was in 5th and Paul and his walking partners finished some time later but still a very creditable 13hrs.
The whole event was brilliantly organized & executed by the club, their partners and the 42 volunteers on the day. There were regular food and drink stations and a lunch stop with a choice of beer or wine with your food (how very Spanish). So congratulations to all of them!
After arriving home I of course waited on Paul hand and foot whilst he nursed his aching muscles, swearing never again. The next day he rested  only undertaking light tasks, but by the Monday it was back to normal, blisters or no blisters and he seems to have come through the whole thing with no visible scares. This is despite really not doing enough training specifically for the event (not something we would recommend!) Paul is of course pretty fit, and does walk regularly up to 25km a day due to the nature of our business, but for next year a full training programme will need to be devised…………but I thought he said never again, well they all say that don’t they 8-)
So maybe you too should start your training plan for next years event…….normally it’s on the first weekend in May. For more information contact us at
On this very athletic theme, my Cousin Jo also completed the London Marathon - so Well done to her anad all the other participants in this iconic event.
Hasta luego