Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another summer begins

It has been a pretty busy month  since my last post. Paul’s recovery from his Vuelta Espuna day is finally complete and any pain issues he had have vanished enough for him to talk of entering next years event! We finished the season with some cracking summits of both Pedro Lopez and Alhama de Moron as well as a lovely walk below el Bosque.
With the walking season over for VistaVerdeTrails in Spain, we have decamped to the UK so Paul can avoid the 40+ temps we had throughout out July and August last year. We hope to get in some walking as we visit the South Downs, Derbyshire and Devon/Cornwall so we will keep you posted on our exploits.
When we return we have a few new routes to try and are working on setting up a walking club for those of you that live in Spain or who visit regularly……….so watch this space, visit our website or check out our face book page as more details will appear there as we develop the club.
For those of you who are not lucky enough to live in our beautiful part of the world, you can still come and experience a little of the walking Spain and in particularly the Sierra Espuna and surrounding areas has to offer by booking your VistaVerdeTrails walking holiday. We offer various options to suit all budgets from Self Catering to 4*, full board, accommodation for more details go to .
Whilst we are away, sadly we will miss lots of the summer fiestas, but for those of you in Spain or those visiting, remember to check out for your what’s on guide to the region of Murcia. It provides great information about what’s going on, how to get there and what time it all starts (but remember, this is Spain and just because they say it starts at 9pm doesn’t always mean it will ;0)
I’ll leave it there for now and look forward to the Birling gap, Seven Sisters and the South Downs our first stops in the South East of England!