Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another summer begins

It has been a pretty busy month  since my last post. Paul’s recovery from his Vuelta Espuna day is finally complete and any pain issues he had have vanished enough for him to talk of entering next years event! We finished the season with some cracking summits of both Pedro Lopez and Alhama de Moron as well as a lovely walk below el Bosque.
With the walking season over for VistaVerdeTrails in Spain, we have decamped to the UK so Paul can avoid the 40+ temps we had throughout out July and August last year. We hope to get in some walking as we visit the South Downs, Derbyshire and Devon/Cornwall so we will keep you posted on our exploits.
When we return we have a few new routes to try and are working on setting up a walking club for those of you that live in Spain or who visit regularly……….so watch this space, visit our website or check out our face book page as more details will appear there as we develop the club.
For those of you who are not lucky enough to live in our beautiful part of the world, you can still come and experience a little of the walking Spain and in particularly the Sierra Espuna and surrounding areas has to offer by booking your VistaVerdeTrails walking holiday. We offer various options to suit all budgets from Self Catering to 4*, full board, accommodation for more details go to .
Whilst we are away, sadly we will miss lots of the summer fiestas, but for those of you in Spain or those visiting, remember to check out for your what’s on guide to the region of Murcia. It provides great information about what’s going on, how to get there and what time it all starts (but remember, this is Spain and just because they say it starts at 9pm doesn’t always mean it will ;0)
I’ll leave it there for now and look forward to the Birling gap, Seven Sisters and the South Downs our first stops in the South East of England!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Vuelta de Sierra Espuna 2010

I just don’t know where the days/ weeks/ months go. It’s been ages since my last post, yet it seems like just the other day.
Since the last time I wrote Paul has indeed completed the 2nd years event “Vuelta de Espuña“.  This event is organised by the Totana walking club. The inaugural event was last year, but after it’s two successful outings, looks set to become a fixture in their walking calendar.
This years route was some 60 km (approx. 36 miles) and had a cumulative drop of some 4400 vertical meters.122 participants started the walk. Not only was this a demanding distance over some hilly terrain, the participants were also required to maintain a minimum rate required by the organizers of 4.5 km / hr.
It all started when the alarm went off at 4am (I thought the Spanish only did that hour when partying into the early hours) Paul & I (in sympathy) got up and Paul made his way to the pick up point for 5am. From here a coach took the participants to the start point at Casas Nuevas .
At about 7am, they were off. It was billed as a walk not a race, the only rule being you couldn’t overtake the lead guide. However there were 5 of them undertaking a stage each and most of the participants were in light weight gear with only bum bags (so I think they were seeing who could go fastest!)
Before long it became clear that this was going to be tough…..Paul had met up with the only other English participants somewhere near the start and they stayed together until the finish line laughing, joking and generally jollying each other along. The weather, which had looked like being hot, although some cloud was forecast, turned out to be a real mixed bag with mist, sun, with highs in the mid 20’s and a hail & thunderstorm in the afternoon. So something for everyone!
The first participant crossed the finishing line at the Sanataurio Santa Eulalia in 8 hrs and 50 minutes! At very healthy 7km an hour. The first woman was in 5th and Paul and his walking partners finished some time later but still a very creditable 13hrs.
The whole event was brilliantly organized & executed by the club, their partners and the 42 volunteers on the day. There were regular food and drink stations and a lunch stop with a choice of beer or wine with your food (how very Spanish). So congratulations to all of them!
After arriving home I of course waited on Paul hand and foot whilst he nursed his aching muscles, swearing never again. The next day he rested  only undertaking light tasks, but by the Monday it was back to normal, blisters or no blisters and he seems to have come through the whole thing with no visible scares. This is despite really not doing enough training specifically for the event (not something we would recommend!) Paul is of course pretty fit, and does walk regularly up to 25km a day due to the nature of our business, but for next year a full training programme will need to be devised…………but I thought he said never again, well they all say that don’t they 8-)
So maybe you too should start your training plan for next years event…….normally it’s on the first weekend in May. For more information contact us at
On this very athletic theme, my Cousin Jo also completed the London Marathon - so Well done to her anad all the other participants in this iconic event.
Hasta luego

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vuelta a Sierra Espuna is only one week away

I told you some time ago about the I Vuelta a Sierra Espuna, a 60ish Km walk around the regional park here in Murcia. This One day event starts at 05.00 with a coach trip to Casas Nuevas and then the participants are under there own steam until the arrive at the Monesterio Santa Eulalia later that same evening. Well Paul has volunteered to have a go! And with only one week to the big day he’s hard in training ;0) So good luck to all the entrants, I’ll keep you posted on how they get on and hopefully Paul will take some piccys.
Whilst I’m on the subject of good lucks, My cousin JO, is running the London marathon this weekend, so good luck to her.
Back in the Espuna, sadly the weather has been a little temperamental, but my Spanish neighbour has told me that damp cool winter = HOT HOT HOT summer so any time now the temperatures will be on the up. Of course that’s not all good news as it means we are fast approaching the end of our walking season………but not for a month or so, so there’s still time (now the ash cloud has lifted somewhat) to get out here and see some of the highlights, and there are many) that the Sierra Espuna has to offer. Take a look at our website to find out more
We are now into fiesta season here in Spain, this weekend sees the start of Los Mayos in Alhama de Murcia, a week long celebration, quickly followed by  the fiesta in Caravaca de la Cruz, who are celebrating their ano santa this year being one of the Holy cities. The fiesta which takes place every year includes the running of the wine horses and the moors and Christians parade and lasts for a week.
So as you can see lots to look forward too when we’re not walking. Until next time adios ;0)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter in Totana

Easter is a big deal here in Spain. The Spanish definitely take the celebrations seriously. With parades starting on Palm Sunday and continuing daily (sometimes twice or more) until Easter Sunday it’s another good excuse to take the week off work…..and why not?
We went to a few of the local parades, they were all very well attended by the towns inhabitants. Fortunately the weather which has been poor for Easter for the last two years was marvellous this year….and that coming after the wettest February/March for 30 years.
The parade I was most surprised at I have to say is the silent parade. Held here on Wednesday night between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, it has a very solemn feeling to it, but not sad, if you get my meaning. The parade on Palm Sunday (which I’d not been to before) felt very jolly and there was dancing and merriment from the participants.
Easter Sunday was very different to last years I thought, not as big ? But very well attended by the town afterwards there were fireworks (or should I say bangers) let off in the brand new square before the parade went round the block one last time. Lovely to see all ages participating from 0 to well a lot more than 0 shall we say. Definitely worth coming to see next year if you were looking for something different from chocky eggs and hot cross buns! To take a look at part of this years parade, have a look at my you tube link…. Easter Sunday in Totana, Spain
So a week on we are nearly back to normal (whatever that is in Spain) It’s been great to see a few more BBQ’s taking place in the Sierra Espuna to now that the weather has really stabalised. The Haze is clearing gradually making the views off the top of the highest peaks stretch further in to the distance. Soon be able to see the sea ;0)
If your interested in excellent value walking holidays take a look at our website

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Climbing in the Sierra Espuna

We've got some great walking in the the last two weeks. This week whilst out walking we saw some climbers on the wall's of Leiva the park is said to be one of Spains best kept rock climbing secrets. Not sure Climbing is for much weight to lift with my puny arms :0) but I have to say standing below and looking at the tiny figure half way up this HUGE rock wall I have to admire their commitment to there sport! It would have been nice to sit a while and watch them reach the top...I say that, but 4 hours later when coming down the other side of the valley we could still hear them (not see) on the rock. I found a you tube video of the same are and you can see from this just how awsome the rock is....we were on the track you can see on the valley floor when we first saw them.  Rock climbing on the walls of Leiva
Fiesta time is back again, it was "fathers day" here in Spain last week. This is a huge fiesta and begins the next round of "bank" holidays which will be pretty constant now until summer. One person in the town we live is having a particularly great holiday season having just scooped €15,000,000 on the once lottery....lucky peeps ;0) Not checked my Euro millions yet, so i still live in hope!
This week we're hoping the better weather holds out as we've got plenty of walking planned and quite a bit of high level so clear would be good to get the views!
Until next time Hasta Luego!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring has sprung???

Well, the last month has had pretty much everything in terms of the weather….rain, snow, heat, wind, sun, cloud. I must say when we moved to Spain 3 years ago we didn’t expect to see more snow than we’d seen in England for the last 20 years! And I was a little shocked when a blanket of snow was covering the ground when I got up one morning this week!! Still at least here you know it won’t last for more than a week or so and in the case of this weeks snow, it was gone before I’d had my second cup of tea….the sun was shining and in the sun it was very pleasant.
Despite the intermittent weather, we have managed to get in some great walking. We have been searching out some new routes, always fun with Spanish maps….oh for OS maps! As well as the new, we took in some old faithfuls including the summit of Morron de Alhama, a high route in the Espuna, great for far reaching views. The camino Albuznel a forest track wending its way into the Espuna with  rock formations and dramatic buttresses that appear as you make your way around the hillside. To mention just a couple.
We have seen some great wildlife (and some not so great…caterpillars!) out there including the first snake of the year!
Paul is gearing up for his May 1st trail around the Espuna…….is he training enough???? Well only time will tell. I don’t think he’s doing as much as my cousin who is currently training for the London Marathon - Good luck Jo!
Well with the weather hopefully improving now and Semana Santa (Easter) just round the corner things are certainly getting busier and the Spanish are venturing out more…’ll be summer and we’ll be complaining it’s too hot before you know it.
To find out more about walking in Murcia, Spain have a look at our website

Friday, February 26, 2010

Haunted or not???

Whilst looking around You tube I came across this video taken of the Sanatorio de tuberculocis, which is located in the Sierra Espuna Regional Park in Murcia.
Is it haunted.......why not come and see for yourself?
for more information on walking holidays in and around the Sierra Espuna visit