Sunday, March 21, 2010

Climbing in the Sierra Espuna

We've got some great walking in the the last two weeks. This week whilst out walking we saw some climbers on the wall's of Leiva the park is said to be one of Spains best kept rock climbing secrets. Not sure Climbing is for much weight to lift with my puny arms :0) but I have to say standing below and looking at the tiny figure half way up this HUGE rock wall I have to admire their commitment to there sport! It would have been nice to sit a while and watch them reach the top...I say that, but 4 hours later when coming down the other side of the valley we could still hear them (not see) on the rock. I found a you tube video of the same are and you can see from this just how awsome the rock is....we were on the track you can see on the valley floor when we first saw them.  Rock climbing on the walls of Leiva
Fiesta time is back again, it was "fathers day" here in Spain last week. This is a huge fiesta and begins the next round of "bank" holidays which will be pretty constant now until summer. One person in the town we live is having a particularly great holiday season having just scooped €15,000,000 on the once lottery....lucky peeps ;0) Not checked my Euro millions yet, so i still live in hope!
This week we're hoping the better weather holds out as we've got plenty of walking planned and quite a bit of high level so clear would be good to get the views!
Until next time Hasta Luego!