Thursday, June 25, 2009

To walk with poles or not?

We have walked with all kinds of people over various terrain, with Poles, Scots, Americans……………..oh the old jokes - still the old jokes!

Seriously walking with poles, yes or no?

Well Poles seem to have become very popular in recent years and certainly here in the Sierra Espuna we see many people of all nationalities with them so what is the attraction?

Well on the upside they can ease the pressure on your knees - it’s been said by up to a third! - this is especially good news when descending hills at the end of a full days walking. They work by transferring some of your body weight from your legs to your arms this means that the effort of walking is now carried by your whole body, not just your legs (good news for that all over workout).

Poles are particularly useful if you are carrying a heavy load as they help to redistribute the extra weight as well as your body weight, this also aids balance, not just good for heavy loads, but also if you are on steep descents, parts of a path that you have the perception of being a little exposed or muddy sections (or as happened to us earlier this month when the path is a riverbed………what a nightmare that was!)

Poles however may not be all good news. The disadvantage of that weight distribution will be tired arms and shoulders at the end of the day making that well deserved pint of beer a little harder to get to the mouth. Wrists too, can suffer as a result of the pressure from poling down. In undergrowth or on not so well defined paths, the poles can become entangled, making more work to release them.

The poles themselves, are usually in sections, meaning they can be extended or decreased in size. This gives great flexibility for up/down hill and varying terrain. Longer is better for downhill sections extend so that you can reach forward a couple of feet below you to take some of the strain off your knees and legs. The section system also means they are easy to pack in your suitcase for your walking holiday or pop in your day sack if you decide your arms are getting tired! They are available from most good walking stores at various price points, so on balance I think I’d say……….

why not give it a try - I certainly wish I’d had them on the attached photo section of one of our trails!