Monday, October 12, 2009

Feria Feria everywhere

Feria, Feria everywhere!
We have dried out now after the torrential rain at the end of September. The blue skies have returned and those cooler temperatures seem to have risen again to the closer to the late 20’s centigrade. No complaints here!
Walking is much more pleasant than throughout the summer months and it’s been a joy to get back to some physical activity that isn’t swimming! My cousin is coming over to Spain at the end of November to run in the Benidorm half marathon, Paul was hoping to join her. Unfortunately a bad cold that passed to his chest has put paid to valuable training days….still I’m sure he’ll be ready in time. I’ll keep you posted.
For all those coming to see wildlife in the Sierra Espuna, there was a rare treat just recently, and you didn’t even have to get your walking shoes on! A vulture was spotted circling in Totana. He didn’t stay too long as the crowd grew to watch him he flew off in the direction of Africa presumably returning from his summer holiday. What a sight! Certainly, back in the Sierra Espuna , there has been more evidence of the wild boar following the rain, obviously the looser earth more preferable for rooting.
Elsewhere it’s been a busy couple of weeks, Fiestas called Ferias have taken place in both Lorca and Alhama de Murcia, both towns are just a short drive/train ride from Totana. The Feria’s are more traditional than many of the fiestas, they have a craft feel to them and celebrate the end of summer. They take the format of many similar events around the country. A central religious day, which is where it all stems from, then a folk festival, music, and a feria de dia which has food and entertainment every evening.
They are generally very well attended by locals and visitors alike and a very good way to see a slice of Spanish life.
There have also been lots of artisan markets taking place locally. These include local produce and locally made goods such as textile, pottery and embroidery. The area surrounding the Sierra Espuna is well known for it’s crafts and many old techniques are still used in today’s production. Renowned products are rugs, throws, bedspreads, earthenware pots, bowls, embroidery in wool, silk and gold - magnificently displayed in many of the regions Easter parades.
As well as the Feria’s and markets there are still plenty of music, theatre and cultural events taking place across the region. Many of these events are free so an ideal way to send the evening after a days walking in the mountains.
You can find out more about Totana and the surrounding areas on our website we look forward to seeing you here.