Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fiesta of Santa Eulalia 8th December 09 - Totana, Murcia

So it’s just over a week to the big day. Not managed to do any Christmas preparation yet, not sure if that’s because we’ve been too busy or because it’s only just dawned on us there’s only a week to go.
I was speaking with my Spanish neighbour at the weekend and when I asked her if she was ready for Christmas, she looked at me as if I was speaking Chinese (I know my Spanish isn’t perfect….) She really didn’t get the question. Christmas i.e. the 25th December really is not a big thing here. The important dates are the 6th December Dia de la Constitution (when Spains constitution was signed following the demise of Franco),  8th December Dia de la Immaculate, when, here in Totana, the statue of the patron saint - Santa Eulalie - is brought down from the Monesterio Santa Eulalia to the town, 6th January The Three Kings and the 7th January  (locally in Totana) When the patron saint is carried back to the Monesterio Santa Eulalia.

So last week having two fiesta’s in it was a major event here in Spain. Locally many shops were closed for the week. YES, the whole week, in December! The carrying down of the patron saint was a  real spectacle. Most of the town had turned out to watch and indeed follow the statue on it’s 8km route down hill from the Monesterio. The whole event started early with churro’s (a doughnut like batter, in sticks) and chocolate melted and served in a cup……lovely if a little dangerous on the hips! Still 7km to go. The procession eventually started and all the participants and various small groups of musicians set off down hill. Several hrs later…….three…….the procession   halted about two km outside the town the lady Eulalia was rested on a plinth and as more people gathered Firecrackers were lit in an area adjoining the road much to the joy of the several thousand people watching, we then all set off again for the final push to the church of San Roque, groups of musicians still cheerfully playing amid plenty of chatter from the many followers. Finally once the statue had entered the church the participants dispersed to eat drink and be merry for the rest of the afternoon with family and friends and prepare themselves for the return trip on the 8th January………..which is ALL UP HILL!
To find out more about walking in the Sierra Espuna, Murcia and visiting this beautiful area of Spain visit