Thursday, January 14, 2010

The captain's House - Sierra de Carrascoy

We’ve had some pretty unsettled weather the last week or so………….nowhere near as unsettled as the UK and sadly, for me, no snow! Well nothing worth writing about and as we have no skiing holiday planned for this year I guess the skis won’t be coming out this season……….although, there’s always  Peru/ New Zealand for summer skiing…looks fabulous!
Today here in my corner of Spain the sky is blue and the temperature a tad higher than it has been at a pleasant 15c. There are some strong winds from time to time, but all in all not bad.
Yesterday we made the most of the weather and headed for the Sierra de Carrascoy, another Regional park in Murcia, just a stones throw from us. We have not ventured over there too much……so much to do in the Sierra Espuna, but we thought we’d give it a go and wow what a start.
We took a circular route of approximately 12km with a minimum height loss/gain (well Christmas isn’t that far behind us!).
The highlights were the Spanish Air Force plane practicing “loop the loops” in the flat lands as we parked the car (Paul was glad not to be near him in his Microlight!), the well at the Captain’s house - not sure why it’s called that, need to find out more - The date inside the well is 1892 it’s still functioning and I’d say in reasonable condition, although I didn’t taste the water!!! We stopped for lunch at Casa Ros. In it’s day this looks like it would have been a huge house, clearly owned by a family of substance. The sun came out and we were able to enjoy a pleasant picnic. On the stroll down back towards the flat lands surrounding Fuente Alamo, we noticed what looked like mine workings. On closer inspection it turned out to be a collection of caves. The entrance to the main cavern was huge, probably 10m high and there were many smaller cave entrances coming off the main one, some had light the other side, some not. We had our dogs with us so did not venture in too far, but who knows, maybe next time!
We then continued down the valley, stopping briefly to chat with a local farmer crop spraying and finally made it back to the car some 4hrs later……very pleasant it was too.