Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Guns of Navarrone

The Guns of navarrone

This week we walked to the east of the town of Mazzaron, following the coast toward Cartegena and into the Sierra Muela. It’s a beautiful area, each time we have been there with the exception of this last trip, we have barely seen a sole either walking or at the fabulous guns. Let me start with the guns. you don’t have to be a walker to get there. You could take the car, the road is quite windy and single carriage in places, but due to the lack of other vehicles we have never found access a problem.
For over 500 years the defence of Cartegena has been a preoccupation for the Spanish Military. The city holds many links to the Spanish Naval fleet and as the Headquarters, warships have become part and parcel of the sights seen in it’s vast natural habour (these days also shared by cruise ships). The habour is flanked by five hills which through time have been used for the defence of the town and habour.
The Guns that you can see today were supplied by a British company “Vickers” in 1925. The new shore batteries were equipuipped with guns of 38.1cm and 15.24cm caliber giving ranges of 35Km and 21Km respectively. Also anti-aircraft guns (also from Vickers) of 10.5cm were deployed with an operational ceiling of 7.000 metres. They were allegedly used in the film “the guns of naverrone” . I’ve not seen it myself, so I’m only repeating what I’ve been told!
Enough technical stuff, basically they are a sight to be seen, despite the mindless graffiti that the Spanish still seem to be suffering from and the lack of any real attempt at conservation, they are just marvelous. Inside the watch towers, you can still see the silhouettes of British warships painted to aid identification of hostile forces ( now it should be lad & layettes in short skirts & baseball caps!).
The castle like structure that surrounds the Guns is almost fairytale like, it was built to imitate a medieval castle hence the name “Los Castollitos”.
Away from the guns the scenery is truly spectacular. Walking although strenuous at times due to the height loss/gain is not difficult as the paths are well defined. We were walking with a group organized by the
Mazzaron Tourist office, something they do each August. (Last year over 4000 people took part in one of their many guided walks during the month). This walk, as most are due to the heat in summer was an evening walk. It followed a lovely trail through two valleys, towards the Cala Cerrada, an isolated cove, which can only be reached by foot or by boat. Due to the time of year it was quite busy when our party arrived and definitely more busy when we all arrived, but not as busy as Bournemouth beach on a hot day in August.
On arrival at the cove, many donned their swimmies (some had even brought flippers and snorkels ) and took the opportunity to cool down, others just relaxed on the pebble beach and took some light refreshment. All very relaxing.
The climb back up to the Castillitos was a little more strenuous, but the group was on good form and joking and chatting were order of the day. We arrived back at the car at about 9:30pm, just as the light was fading. Definitely a great way to spend an evening, of course most of the Spanish participants then returned to their accommodations to change and go for dinner before the nights entertainment really started…………..the Brits amongst the group, well like us they probably returned home to bed!

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