Monday, August 31, 2009

Summer's almost over

Paul & Ritchie, all set for takeoff!
So it’s almost September. The mass of fiesta’s which dominate the social calendar in Spain during August are coming to an end. The highlights for us were the fantastic night of music in the main square in Totana, the very amusing (if a little in poor taste) Michael Jackson tribute at the Carivete fiesta, showing my cousin some local colour at the San Roque fiesta, being included in our neighbours family celebrations on Dia de Santa Domingo along with our friends who were staying that week (a fabulous gesture) and finally the booming fireworks at the close of the Aledo fiesta. It’s not quite all over yet though, we still have the Fiesta de la Huerta coming up in early September, always a good selection of music for people to make there own “shapes” to on the now extended terrace/dance floor in front of the attractive ermita (small community church).
Other events that we enjoyed, in what has been a marvelous summer, were being told by some friends visiting that we were the highlight of their holiday having visited for two nights from (in their words) “the ghetto” (an urbanization they had rented an apartment on in the north of the Costa Blanca) and  this was despite the fact our dog chewed a pair of their crocs! Beating Jo with a giant cotton bud in the pool whilst balancing on a crocodile. A very civilized dinner at the Monesterio de Santa Eulalia - Thanks Bill & Sally. Ritchie’s face when he got back from a flight in Paul’s micro light - priceless.
Now it is almost cool enough to get those walking boots back out of the cupboard and dust them off. Paul has already been up in the Sierra Espuna and Sierra de Tercia looking out for new routes and getting in shape for the new walking season.
We plan to be in the Sierra Espuna on the 9th September for the passing of “La Vuelta” , the cycling tour of Spain. On this day, stage 11 starts in Murcia and makes its way to Caravaca de la Cruz traveling through the Sierra Espuna. Hopefully the magnificent spectacle of the peleton flashing by will be able to be enjoyed whilst taking a coffee or maybe a “menu del dia” at the bar “Los Donceles” in the regional park. (more information on la Vuelta can be found at
I’m hoping this blog is giving you a flavour of life here in Spain and inspiring you to book that walking holiday and come and join us for a week or two!! You can find out more information on our excellent value walking holidays at

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